Take a free NABCEP PV Practice Exam

Select the options for your practice exam
In order to take a free practice exam for the NABCEP PV Associate Exam or the NABCEP PV Installation Professional Exam, you will first need to sign up for an account.

Once signed up, choose the exam you'd like to create:
Click New Practice Exam

Once you choose the exam, you can then select some options which will determine how the practice exam will be set up for you. If you have a free account, you'll only have the default options of a 35-question practice exam using random questions from the free question bank across all JTA domains.

Just click the green "Create Practice Exam" button and you can start your exam.

Keep in mind that you can pause the exam and resume it at any time. You can also retake the exam as many times as you want or build a new one, but you will be limited to the free question bank and basic exam options.

Extra Options for Waivolt Pro

If you have a Waivolt Pro account, you can choose from either a 20-question, 35-question, 50-question or 70-question practice exam.

You can also choose from either:
  • Random selection picks a random set of questions from our full question bank with hundreds of practice questions.
  • Match live exam frequency Uses the appropriate Job Task Analysis to determine the percentages of questions from our question bank based on the frequency those types of questions appear on the live exam.
  • Analyze past practice exam scores Uses our AI engine to analyze your past practice exams and pick exam questions just for you to help you focus on areas where you need more practice.
Optionally narrow JTA domains: Waivolt Pro members can also optionally select specific JTA domains they want the exam to focus on.

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